El Rap de John Locke

@ 01 . julio . 2009

:advertencia: Alerta de Spoilers: Hay fuertes spoilers si no has visto Lost hasta la Temporada 5. Si tú, no lo veas, a tí te digo.

Aaron y Dustin hicieron este tributo a la vida de John Locke, el personaje de la serie Lost, en un divertido video musical de rap.

:musica: Born on dark day in 56
John Locke’s entire life had many conflicts
An unknown man behind a steering wheel
Struck John’s own mother with an automobile
Being pushed on a stretcher to a hospital room
She whispers to the nurse: I’ve got a child in the womb
This accident alone, was hard enough to endure
But then she gave birth… 3 months premature!

Since raising a child at her age would be rough
Locke’s mother made a choice that was incredibly tough
The young John Locke went into foster care
And he’d draw weird pictures, just of smoke in the air
Then one day the young Locke had a guest
But the man stormed off once john failed his test
The man had no idea, 50 years from then
That John would be the other’s leader, taking over for Ben

John Locke
You are a man of faith and destiny.

La letra compela esta en la descripción del vídeo de Youtube.

Via ALT1040

Autor del post: DanielSemper: @aeromental + Facebook